Sink Installations

Trusted New Sink

For many homeowners, the finishing touch of a kitchen or bathroom renovation is the installation of a new sink. You've put a lot of time and thought into your new kitchen or bathroom countertops, so now it's time to add the perfect sink to match the installation work you've done.

G & A Marble and Granite, LLC is the best choice in Graham, NC for sink installation services. We know how to expertly work around your newly installed countertop to make sure your new sink is safely installed. We can also remove existing sinks from older countertops and carefully install a brand new one.

Recently Finished Projects

Thorough Installation Services

A newer, modern sink can add plenty of value and convenience to your bathroom or kitchen. Not only will a new sink look great, but it will help you complete any washing or cleaning tasks that require the use of a trusted sink. Our sinks will look fabulous and match what you already have for a countertop in your bathroom or kitchen. Our installation services are highly skilled and can be trusted to be done right the first time.

Don't hesitate to call G & A Marble and Granite, LLC if you're interested in transforming the look and feel of your bathroom or kitchen. A new sink can make all the difference. Discuss prices and the process with us.



Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturdays by Appointment Only

605 W Harden Street
Graham, NC 27253